
Jrfood’s Story

In the bustling heart of a vibrant city, nestled amid the fragrant haze of spices and the tantalizing aromas of local delicacies, Listia, a passionate traveler and culinary enthusiast, found her true calling. Her journey began on the cobbled streets of her homeland, where she embarked on a gastronomic adventure that would change her life and the lives of many others.

As a young and curious soul, Listia embarked on numerous journeys, exploring the rich tapestry of flavors that adorned the local food scene. Each city she visited became a canvas upon which she painted her culinary aspirations. Her eyes would light up with delight as she savored each dish, and her mind would buzz with excitement as she deconstructed recipes, trying to replicate them in her modest kitchen.

For years, Listia dedicated herself to the art of recreating the tastes she had encountered on her travels. Her kitchen became a laboratory, and her experiments with spices, herbs, and various cooking techniques were nothing short of an adventure. The tantalizing scents wafting from her kitchen would lure neighbors and friends, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and joy.

But amidst her culinary conquests, Listia couldn’t ignore a glaring reality in her homeland. Many people, caught in the whirlwind of modern life, had forgotten the art of home cooking. They relied heavily on restaurants and takeout, their kitchens lying dormant, gathering dust. Listia saw this not just as a cultural loss but also as a health crisis in the making. Fast food and restaurant meals, while convenient, were taking a toll on the well-being of her community.

Driven by a desire to make a difference, Listia founded JRFood – a culinary venture that aimed to bridge the gap between the enchanting world of homemade meals and the convenience of eating out. Her mission was simple yet profound: to empower anyone and everyone to cook wholesome, delicious meals at home.

JRFood became more than just a brand; it became a movement. Listia poured her heart and soul into it, crafting easy-to-follow recipes, curating cooking tutorials, and sharing kitchen hacks that made cooking accessible to even the most novice cooks. Through her platform, she not only shared recipes but also stories – tales of her culinary adventures, the cultures she had encountered, and the love she felt for each dish she prepared.

Her efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Families started gathering around dining tables, savoring meals cooked with love and care. Children grew up with the aroma of homemade food, and parents rediscovered the joy of preparing meals for their loved ones. Health improved, and a sense of community blossomed.

Listia’s passion and dedication turned JRFood into a beacon of hope and inspiration, not just in her hometown but far beyond its borders. Her gastronomic journey, which had started as a personal quest, had transformed into a movement that celebrated the art of home cooking and nourished the souls of those who embraced it. Through JRFood, Listia had not just served delicious meals but had also served a healthier, happier way of life to her community and beyond.

A logo of quotes

We Believe In the Power of a Home-Cooked Meal to Nourish Not Just the Body But Also the Soul

Meet The Team

Hi, I’m Listia!

I am the founder, author, and creator of JRFOOD

And while experimenting with various foods and dishes, I adopted a creative bent. I traveled, interacted with individuals from Indonesia and other countries, and developed an interest in the power of the internet as a result of my adventure and my desire to try different cuisines.

signature of listia sd
A portrait of jrfood founder (listia)


Hey, Dhian is here!

I am a Digital Associate

I have a passion for product development, design, and all things digital. Currently, I am engaged in initiatives and interactions with people that involve technology, design, social media, and products.

signature of dhian d
A portrait of jrfood team (dhian)

Digital Associate